Skeletal body, far too weak
There are people who eat varied, balanced and healthy food, but they cannot manage to put on any extra pounds. They always remain skeletal and far too weak. Usually these people have a serious problem with digestion. In most cases, some organs in this process do not work normally.
The nutrients in food, represented by proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins and minerals that the body really needs, are not assimilated, but, mostly, are eliminated.
What to do in these cases?
First, it have to be restored the digestive system - from the stomach up to the normal functioning of the other organs (including intestines participating in normal digestion process).
To correct the far too weak skeletal body for muscle growth and fattening, the following Tiens products are recommend:
Break of one week, then:
Break of one week, then:
Therapeutic Guide (1)